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Working with a set of multiple images can convey a story, sense of place, feeling, or emotion in a far stronger way than one image alone.

Learn how Charlotte has used the concept of ‘cohesivity’ and ‘projects’ in all her work since submitting and achieving her Master Craftsman qualification (the highest accolade with The Guild of Photographers)

Have you ever wondered about creating groups of images?
Ever questioned why you would want to, or how on earth you might get started?

Rather than thinking of images individually, Charlotte now works to create groups of images. This can be useful for qualifications, the creation of albums online or for books, exhibitions, magazine submissions or just to give yourself an alternative way of working.

Charlotte will guide us through the whole process from how to identify the elements needed for cohesivity to occur and show how she uses this in her everyday practices as well as giving tips to jump-start your projects.

Charlotte is a panel member and judge with The Guild of Photographers in the UK. Her images have won numerous awards including ‘all round photographer of the year’ two years running with The Guild. Her work has been published in the ‘Creative light’ and ‘On Landscape’ online magazines and in ‘Cameracraft’ magazine in the UK.

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