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(As with all our Tuition Sessions, the recording will be available for 28 days)

Explore how to use visual design elements to support and strengthen your work, with award-winning photographic artist, Judy Hancock Holland.

Do you ever look at powerful photos and wonder how the photographer created such strong emotional impact?

Join us for an in-depth, two-part Tuition Session, and find out how to craft such impactful images with discernment, care, and attention to detail.

You will learn how to work with different kinds of lines, shapes, light, and other elements to enhance the story, theme, or feeling of your photographs.

You’ll also enjoy many examples of Judy’s inspiring work which reflects her lifelong search for meaning and peace through symbolism, light, and sensual forms.

Judy Hancock Holland is an award-winning Canadian photographic artist and lifelong educator. Her work has been exhibited in North America and Europe, and her YouTube tutorials have garnered over 350,000 views.

She presents to groups all over the world via Zoom, as well as one-on-one coaching and portfolio reviews.

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