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(As well as access to the live event, you will receive a link to the recording, which will be valid for 14 days)

Discover ICM and Multiple Exposure techniques with creative photographer, Glenys Garnett and inject some fresh inspiration into your work!

In this fascinating presentation you’ll learn how to unleash your creativity using in-camera techniques such as Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) and Multiple Exposures.

Glenys will talk about her approach with these techniques and share some inspiring examples of how she uses them in her work.

You’ll find out how to move away from ‘straight’ image making towards making something completely different and unique to you. 

The emphasis will be on doing as much as possible on location using blend modes and overlay techniques.

Glenys is an inspiring teacher and great advocate of sharing knowledge. She’s skilled at helping photographers develop their artistic approach through the use of innovative techniques.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity jumpstart your photography and get your creative juices flowing!

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