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Discover how long exposure techniques and thoughtful composition can elevate your landscape images to have more impact and convey emotion.

You will learn how John constructs his photographs – from the image seen on location, to the effect of using various filters and the actual RAW file he captures. He’ll also explain the post processing techniques he uses to achieve his inspiring images.

While he will touch on the essential equipment for long exposure photography, this talk is focused more around the creativity and fine art aspects of this genre.

John has a deep passion for the great outdoors and is also heavily influenced by the Japanese garden aesthetic. The work you’ll see reflects both interests and uses the long exposure as a key compositional element.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how compositional decisions can capture emotion in your long exposure images, through seeing examples of John’s fantastic work!

After an early photographic career at the BBC, John is now a professional landscape photographer and teacher. He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, the British Institute of Professional Photography, a Canon Infinity International Ambassador and a LEE Filters ambassador.


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