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Joe takes us on an autobiographical journey of his artistic evolution – from fine art student to renowned photographer, thinker and writer.

In this thought-provoking talk, Joe describes how he strives to draw connections with his subject matter. This can be an intensely personal process, but for him, there is no escaping the search for meaning and purpose in his art.

As a landscape photographer, Joe seeks to translate his sense of affinity with the natural world through the careful study of texture, colour, space and light.

He also tries to find links with how landscape photography illustrates the environmental issues of our time, and how ultimately, we connect with and serve wider society.

A professional photographer since 1980, Joe is based in North Yorkshire in the UK and has devoted the last 30 years to landscape photography.

He is an acclaimed thinker on the role of photography, especially in environmentalism, and has written countless articles, many appearing in ‘On landscape’ which he helped co-found.

An honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, he helped form (and was first Chair) of the Landscape Distinctions panel.

Recent books include Scotland’s Mountains; Scotland’s Coast; The Northumberland Coast; This Land; Capability Brown; Humphry Repton; Woodland Sanctuary (with Simon Baxter); Still Time to Wonder (on Fountains Abbey).

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