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Join award-winning photographer, Noel Casaje, for a fascinating talk exploring what elements elevate a photo from ordinary to unforgettable.

What renders an image truly compelling?

Many photographers would undoubtedly argue it’s the photograph’s contents – the subject matter and accompanying elements, that contribute to its captivating nature.

Landscape photographers often emphasize factors such as dramatic lighting, spectacular cloud formations, dynamic wave motion, towering mountain peaks, or a sunrise or sunset ablaze with red and orange hues.

However, while these all hold significant value, it prompts the question: does the mere presence of one or more of these guarantee an instantly unforgettable, impactful photo?

Unfortunately, not.

Join us as we delve into exploring the answer to this question and unravel the essence of what truly makes an image compelling.

Noel Casaje is an award-winning photographer with a passion for capturing images that resonate with him and evoke emotion in viewers. He’s enjoys working in low light, exploring its’ nuances, and transforming scenes from the real to the surreal.

Noel is proud to be included on Forbes.com ‘Top 5 Travel Photographers to Watch Out For’ and offers exclusive photo tours through his company, Wide Horizon Visuals.

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