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Join Travel Photographers and Educators, John and Lisa Merrill, for two inspiring evenings exploring impressionist and abstract photography.

When can a blurry photo be compelling? When the blur is created intentionally by moving your camera, lens or both during a long exposure.

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) embraces the power of play, flexes creative muscles, and can lead to unique and unusual images.

In these fascinating sessions, you’ll find out how to add creative blur when capturing still subjects by shaking, twisting and/or zooming during long exposures. You’ll also learn to freeze a moving subject against a blurred background by panning.

Using examples from assignments and adventures around the world, the Merrills will also share tips for creating mysterious abstract images which evoke wonder and curiosity.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover new ways of seeing and photographing, expand your visual toolbox, and nourish your creativity!

These 2 Tuition Sessions will be held on Monday 16th and 23rd September from 19:00 to 21:30 (UK time). Recordings will be available to watch for 28 days after the live event.

About Merrill Images

John and Lisa Merrill create images to evoke wonder, inspire action and strengthen communities. Their work is used by travel destinations, outdoor adventure companies and non-profits, and featured in books and magazines around the world.

They are inspiring educators who nurture photographic creativity through online coaching, Pacific Northwest photowalks, workshops and international photo tours.

Merrill Images is a Transformative Travel Council Ally and a member of the North American Nature Photographer’s Association.

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