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Has modern photography lost its way as we all clamour for validation? – let’s look at the motivation for the photographer without judgement.

Learn from this deeper exploration of what motivates the photographer and the fears we have as creatives.

In a world where we are forced to consume, it takes courage to step back and give back, appreciate, and celebrate without need for reward or kudos.

It’s a marriage of philosophy and photography, a celebration of wonder and awe at the imperfection that tells a story, but we try so hard to erase.

Paul’s approach to landscape photography is one of mindful connection.

He talks extensively about his switch from digital to film and to pinhole.

After looking at nearly 20,000 images every day during his years at the Times, his own work is made in response to his emotional and spiritual reactions to the locations he visits and reflect the sense of stillness and calm he feels whilst on location.

Paul’s, beautiful, highly reflective work has been exhibited widely across the UK, Europe & Japan.

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