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Tim will introduce us to the historical significance of competitions in the art world, focusing on contemporary photography competitions.

From the Salons of France to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, photographers and painters have always competed to find a place for their work.

He will discuss many aspects of modern photography competitions, specifically the Natural Landscape Photographer of the Year competition and book.

You will understand the potential advantages and driving forces behind participating in photography competitions.

Tim is a landscape photographer and editor of the landscape photography magazine, ‘On Landscape’.

He uses a mix of film and digital cameras but mostly film in small, medium, large sized format.

Photography was a childhood interest, but he left it for computing. He later returned, captivated by large-format cameras. Despite their cumbersome nature, he found them empowering, allowing for greater control and a more deliberate approach to image-making.

He believes photography is a tool for self-discovery and a means of deeper connection with the world. By slowing down and paying attention to the details, you can capture the essence of a moment and relive it through the lens.

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