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(As well as access to the live event, you’ll have 14 days to watch the recording)

From Fringe Festival to Hollywood in this talk, Cat Humphries will take you on a trip through her adventures in theatre photography.

Cat’s talk highlights her lifelong passion for photography, particularly in the realm of theatre.

From her early days documenting young performers at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to her recent work on prestigious projects like Sunset Boulevard, her journey demonstrates a consistent dedication to capturing the essence of live performance.

Cat’s photography spans a wide range of subjects, from theatre and dance to portraits and events. Her ability to adapt to different settings and capture unique moments is evident in her work, which has been featured on renowned platforms like BBC Sounds, BBC News, and Time Out New York.

Beyond her creative work, Cat offers valuable insights into the technical aspects of theatre photography. Her discussions on equipment and techniques provide practical knowledge for aspiring photographers interested in capturing the magic of live performance.

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