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(As well as access to the live event, you will receive a link to the recording, which will be valid for 14 days)

Explore the unique, personal and expressive nature of photography with renowned Scottish landscape photographer and educator, Alister Benn.

In this thought-provoking talk, Alister will share a multitude of reasons why each of us are unique and can, if we allow ourselves, create images that are both personal and expressive.

Throughout the evening, we’ll explore the relationships we have with the world around us and gain insights into the qualities that attract and inspire us to make and share images.

Alister believes that the question ‘Why we make photographs?’ should become the base layer of our creative and expressive development.

Alister Benn is a renowned Scottish landscape photographer and educator living on the Isle of Lewis off the west coast of Scotland.

He is known for his dramatic and evocative images of natural landscapes, often capturing the interplay of light and shadow in remote and rugged locations.

He emphasises the emotional and contemplative aspects of photography, encouraging a deep connection with nature through his work.

In addition to his photography, he also runs a YouTube channel, writes ebooks and offers workshops – to teach not just technical skills but also the artistic and philosophical dimensions of landscape photography.

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