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(As well as access to the live event, you will receive a link to the recording, which will be valid for 14 days)

In her exciting, brand-new Talk, Cherry will share innovative ideas to help you produce unique and inventive photographic Still Life images.

Those who have been lucky enough to see Cherry before, will know she has a deep passion for digital photography which she loves to share in an inspiring and accessible way.

She enjoys being in control of the whole process; from composing the image, to taking the shot, post processing and printing the final photograph, to see it in all its’ glory!

In this live Zoom session, you’ll learn how to create simple and minimalistic Still Life images using charity shop vases, bottles, flowers and plants (both dead and fresh) using natural light.

You’ll see how to create these kinds of images in camera and then enhance them in Photoshop. You’ll find out how to add texture and backgrounds and use brushes to create shapes.

Cherry is a renowned Speaker and Competition Judge for many UK based Photography Clubs.

She has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally and runs Creative Flower Workshops for Permajet and Thames Valley RPS.

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